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Proprietary BN fillers which have features of high thermal conductivity and isolation are packed into the resin sheet at high density. High-purity epoxy resin is developed and used as binder. It is suitable for power modules used in inverters, and achieves both thermal resistance and isolation equivalent to those of ceramic plate (in-house measurement result).

GaN Wafer

Mitsubishi Chemical's Gallium Nitride (GaN) substrate is a high-quality single-crystal substrate. It is made with original HVPE method and wafer processing technology, which has been originally developed for many years. The features are high crystalline, good uniformity, and superior surface quality. GaN substrates are used for LD applications (violet, blue and green).
Furthermore, development has progressed for power and high frequency electronic device applications. In order to achieve lower defect and higher productivity, we have been developing the GaN substrates manufactured by SCAAT™(*) and SCAAT™-LP(**).

  • *SCAAT™ is the brand name of an acidic ammonothermal technology implemented by Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation. This technology was established through the cooperation of Tohoku University, The Japan Steel Works, Ltd., and Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation.
  • **SCAAT™-LP is the brand name of a low pressure acidic ammonothermal technology implemented by Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation and The Japan Steel Works, Ltd. This technology was jointly developed by Tohoku University, The Japan Steel Works, Ltd., and Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation.

NEWS LETTER -Gallium nitride (GaN), a material to support future society-[PDF]465KB)