Relevant SDG
SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

“Mitsubishi Chemical Has Decided”

Under the banner of KAITEKI Health and Productivity Management, Mitsubishi Chemical (MCC) is focusing on the pillars of health support and workstyle reforms as it strives to create workplaces where diverse human resources can thrive. To this end, we are implementing a wide range of measures, which we have distilled into 30 declarations under the title “Mitsubishi Chemical Has Decided” and published both within the Group and externally. These 30 declarations were formulated to reflect employees’ wishes for the kind of company they want MCC to be.

By spreading awareness of “Mitsubishi Chemical Has Decided,” we aim to ensure that employees accurately understand and support our various personnel measures. We hope that all employees will work toward the goals of KAITEKI Health and Productivity Management.

Mitsubishi Chemical’s Vision for KAITEKI Health and Productivity Management

MCC’s approach to personnel measures is based on three steps, summarized as creating a “safe, secure and positive workplace,” ensuring that we all “respect and accept each other” and cultivating a “win-win relationship between employees and the company” (see the diagram below). Through these three steps, we will achieve KAITEKI Health and Productivity Management. The 30 “Mitsubishi Chemical Has Decided” declarations spell out measures and targets to achieve this goal.

“Mitsubishi Chemical Has Decided”

The 30 Declarations

The 30 declarations reflect employees’ wishes for the kind of company they want MCC to be and cover a variety of personnel-related measures, including eliminating second-hand smoke, improving bathrooms at manufacturing sites, ensuring that 100% of eligible male employees take child care leave or use shortened working hours for child care, and making sure that no employee is forced to retire to provide nursing care for a family member. Notably, the declarations comprise not only existing goals and policies, but articulate future targets for the company to address through systems or other measures going forward. By formulating these as declarations, MCC has made clear its stance and determination as it works to achieve KAITEKI Health and Productivity Management.

Declaration 1 We will promote the KAITEKI Health and Productivity Management.
Declaration 2 For the sake of the maintenance and control of employees’ health, we will engage more actively and effectively in the prevention and treatment of diseases, and achieving a balance with work.
Declaration 3 We will position the organizational management and cultivation of subordinates based on the KAITEKI Health and Productivity Management as priority issues of personnel with titles.
Declaration 4 We will eliminate harassment at workplaces.
Declaration 5 We will eliminate workers’ accidents.
Declaration 6 We will fully implement countermeasures against passive smoking at workplaces.
Declaration 7 Personnel assignments will be reviewed so that employees at the manufacturing sites will also be able to take appropriate holidays and leave.
Declaration 8 We will improve the toilet environment at the manufacturing sites.
Declaration 9 Unpaid overtime work is not acceptable.
Declaration 10 Teleworking will be promoted.
Declaration 11 “E-mailing on holidays” and “ordering the preparation of documents assuming work on holidays” are prohibited.
Declaration 12 All employees will take a vacation of three consecutive days.
Declaration 13 The head of an organization who lets subordinates take sufficient paid holidays will be evaluated and recognized by adding the factor to the evaluation/recognition items.
Declaration 14 We will actively provide support in cases where an employee wishes to accompany his/her transferred spouse or wishes to return to the parents’ home to provide nursing care.
Declaration 15 We will support employees who are rearing children from a long-term perspective.
Declaration 16 We will achieve a rate of 100% for male employees taking child care leave or shortened working hours.
Declaration 17 Shortened working hours can also be applied under other personal circumstances such as taking care of a sick family member.
Declaration 18 We will eliminate retirement due to providing nursing care for a family member.
Declaration 19 We will convert our workplace into a space in which diverse human resources can work together actively and with enthusiasm regardless of gender, nationality, disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.
Declaration 20 We will promote employment across the company by expanding the scope of work for people with disabilities and improving the workplace environment.
Declaration 21 Welcome Talent!
In addition to new graduates, we will aggressively conduct mid-career employment.
Declaration 22 Welcome Back!
We welcome people coming back to our company with experience at other companies.
Declaration 23 We will provide support (training, etc.) for all employees so that each one will be able to work comfortably after joining the company.
Declaration 24 Appointment will be conducted considering duties, experience and contribution rather than age and years of service.
Declaration 25 The experience of taking child care leave and nursing care leave, etc. is valuable, and thus taking holidays will not be treated disadvantageously upon appointment, promotion and evaluation of employees.
Declaration 26 We will ensure that a career design interview is conducted to support each employee’s growth.
Declaration 27 We will ask what the own career and desired job is before appointing and cultivating an employee.
Declaration 28 We will support employees who have a positive attitude about learning.
Declaration 29 Train yourselves outside MCC!
Declaration 30 We will support employees who have a positive attitude about volunteers.

Spreading the Word and Employee Perspectives

We are spreading awareness of “Mitsubishi Chemical Has Decided” within the Group through an internal portal site and a series of six videos. The videos focus on employees, featuring interviews with individuals who are utilizing or implementing systems related to the declarations and measures. These include employees using the remote work system and men who are taking child care leave. By directly offering the perspectives of employees themselves, we hope to foster greater support and understanding.

To communicate externally, MCC President Masayuki Waga and employees discussed related measures and initiatives with an outside expert for an article published on the online news site HuffPost.

Employee Perspectives from the “Mitsubishi Chemical Has Decided” Videos

Declaration 5

Declaration 5: We will eliminate workers’ accidents.

“After our lunch break, we do KAITEKI exercises to help prevent occupational accidents due to falls. It helps make everyone more health-conscious, and it really seems that the number of accidents has decreased.”

KAITEKI Health and Productivity Management

Declaration 16

Declaration 16: We will achieve a rate of 100% for male employees taking child care leave or shortened working hours.

“I didn’t take child care leave when my first child was born, but I did for my second and third. Many people might think that a man taking child care leave is something special, so I think that having an environment where it’s completely normal is important.”

Respect for Human Rights and the Development of Diversity

Declaration 21

Declaration 21: Welcome Talent! In addition to new graduates, we will aggressively conduct mid-career employment.

“At my previous job, the division of roles was very sharp, so there was a tendency to stop at the limits of one’s own job and go no further. At MCC, even a mid-career hire like me has opportunities to be more proactive and take the lead, which I think I’ve been able to take advantage of.”

Effective Placement and Human Resource Development