Privacy Policy
Personal Information Protection Policy
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “MCC”) recognizes that the proper protection of personal information (meaning the “personal information” specified in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information in force in Japan; the same applies below) is a responsibility of utmost importance and handles personal information in accordance with the following policies to fulfill this responsibility.
- 1.MCC complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and related laws and regulations; conforms to practices concerning the handling of personal information that are generally accepted as fair and reasonable; and thereby engages in the appropriate handling of personal information. MCC also makes efforts to improve its handling practices as appropriate.
- 2.MCC clearly defines internal rules concerning the handling of personal information and ensures that employees are informed of them. MCC also requests its business partners to handle personal information appropriately.
- 3.MCC obtains personal information through legitimate and fair means, and only to the extent required to achieve the purpose of use stated below. When a purpose of use is expressly stated for an each service, MCC obtains and uses personal information in accordance with that purpose. If personal information is obtained for any other purpose, the purpose will be notified prior to obtainment.
【Purpose of use】
- Respond to inquiries and requests for catalogs and other reference materials;
- Provide products, services and related information of the Mitsubishi Chemical Group (meaning Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation and its Group companies; hereinafter the same);
- Proceed with the employment selection procedures for job applicants and the relevant internal procedures;
- Exercise rights and perform obligations based on laws and regulations, and execute other operations related to business activities in the Mitsubishi Chemical Group.
- 4.MCC does not disclose or provide the personal information it obtains to any third party, except in any of the following situations.
- Personal information is being disclosed or provided on the basis of the consent of a provider.
- Personal information is being disclosed or provided on the basis of an applicable law or regulation, or of a legally binding request.
- 5.With a consent of a customer, MCC will provide personal information to a third party located in a foreign country as follows:
- (i) Name of foreign country
- ・Although MCC cannot specify a name of a foreign country in which MCC shares personal data Mitsubishi Chemical Group companies depending on the case, the scope of such sharing is the foreign country where the person who shares the personal data is located, as hereinafter described in 6.(2).
- (ii) Systems for the protection of personal information in the relevant foreign country
- ・Please refer to the website of the Personal Information Protection Commission.
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- (iii) A statement that information cannot be provided with respect to measures taken by a third party to protect personal information and the reasons therefor.
- ・All of the overseas Mitsubishi Chemical Group companies to which MCC provides information are taking measures to comply with the eight principles of the OECD Privacy Guidelines.
- (i) Name of foreign country
- 6.MCC will share personal information of a customer as follows.
- (1) Items of personal data to be jointly used
- ・Name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address
- ・Name, company name (organization name), affiliation, company (organization) address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the executive or employee of the business partner
- ・Name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the applicant
- (2) Scope of joint use
Mitsubishi Chemical Group companies
- ・Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation List of subsidiaries/affiliates[Open in a new window]
- ・Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation List of subsidiaries/affiliates[Open in a new window]
- ・Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation List of subsidiaries/affiliates[Open in a new window]
- ・Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation List of subsidiaries/affiliates[Open in a new window]
- (3) Purpose of use
- Same as described in the fore-written 3.
- (4) Persons responsible for the management of personal data to be shared Address: 1-1-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Toky oRepresentative: Yasuo Shimodaira, Representative Director
- (1) Items of personal data to be jointly used
- 7.MCC takes the necessary measures to securely manage personal information in order to prevent any leakages, losses, or alterations.
- (1) Formulation of basic policy
- ・Establish a basic policy for the proper handling of personal information and a point of contact for questions and complaints.
- (2) Discipline for the handling of personal data
- ・Establish rules for handling personal information, including handling methods, responsible persons and persons in charge, and their duties, for each stage of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion, disposal, etc.
- (3) Organizational safety control measures
- ・Appoint a person responsible for the handling of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Information Manager”).
- ・Clarify employees who handle personal data and the scope of personal data handled by such employees.
- ・Establish a system for reporting to a person in charge of personal information management in the event that a fact or indication of a violation of the law or company rules is detected.
- ・Conduct periodic self-inspections of the status of personal information handling, as well as audits by other departments and outside parties.
- (4) Personal safety control measures
- ・Regularly provide employees with training on matter to keep in mind concerning the handling of personal information.
- ・Include confidentiality of personal information in employment regulations.
- (5) Physical safety control measures
- ・In areas where personal information is handled, control employee access to rooms and limit the equipment they bring in, and implement measures to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing personal information.
- ・Implement measures to prevent theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, and documents that handle personal information.
- ・When equipment, electronic media, etc. that handle personal information are carried, including within the business site, measures are taken to ensure that personal information is not easily revealed.
- (6) Technical safety control measures
- ・Implement access control to limit the scope of personal information handled by a person in charge and the scope of personal information handled.
- ・Implement mechanisms to protect information systems that handle personal information from unauthorized external access or unauthorized software.
- (7) Understanding the external environment
- ・Take safety control measures upon understanding of the systems for personal information protection in the United States where the personal information is stored. (In the United States, although some states have personal information protection laws, there is no comprehensive federal law on the protection of personal information; However, MCC has a system in place to ensure that no company in which MCC stores personal information handles customers’ personal information.)
- (1) Formulation of basic policy
- 8.In the event that MCC receives, from an individual who has provided MCC with his/her personal information through this website, a request or inquiry concerning a notification of the purpose of use; a request or inquiry concerning other aspects of MCC’s handling of personal information; or a request for disclosure, correction, addition, removal, suspension of use or deletion of the individual’s personal information (hereinafter, individually, “Request for Disclosure Etc. of Personal Information”), MCC may respond appropriately after confirming that the request for disclosure, etc. of personal information has been submitted by the same individual who provided the personal information. If you wish to file a request for disclosure, etc. of personal information, a complaint, etc., please follow the link below to complete an inquiry form.
- [ Contact ]
- Legal Division, Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation
- Contact here for inquiries[Open in a new window]
- Please see the Terms of Use for the handling of personal information on this website.
- April 1,2024
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
1-1, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo
Yasuo Shimodaira, Representative Director