Message for New Employees by Jean-Marc Gilson, CEO of Mitsubishi Chemical Group

April 3, 2023

Welcome to our New Employees
Today marks the beginning of an exciting journey for you, as you take the first step in developing your career and embarking on a new chapter of your life. I am delighted to welcome you as new members of our fantastic family. As the CEO of the MCG Group, and one of the chemical engineers who chose to work at a chemical company many years ago, I can assure you that the chemical industry is a wonderful starting point. As you may know, the chemical industry can produce a wide range of products and materials that are essential to modern society. Chemistry has an infinite range of possibilities.
Our purpose is to realize KAITEKI, the well-being of people and the planet through the power of chemistry. For us, this means being at the forefront of solutions for the great challenges facing our society today, such as plastic recycling and achieving carbon neutrality.
Looking ahead, I see you as future leaders of this company. If you are willing to contribute, that day may come sooner than you think. So, please be prepared to take responsibility for the future and keep your curiosity about the world alive. We are committed to providing you with a working environment where you can contribute not only to the company, but also to society at large.
Our strategy ‘Forging the future’
Our approach to achieving purpose is encapsulated in our slogan, ‘Science. Value. Life.’ To achieve high profitability and growth, we are currently implementing our medium-term management policy, ‘Forging the future’. Our strategy can be summarized in three words: simplification, focus, and growth. I am confident in our ability to grow. We have a lot of great products and services. By working together as one global team, we can capitalize on the low-hanging fruit of growth opportunities.
What I ask of you
As CEO, I am asking you to contribute and become a driving force in implementing our strategy and helping us realize our purpose. We have established Our Way, a set of five principles that serve as a guide for our employees in their daily work. I urge all of you to put Our Way into practice.
Safety must always be your top priority, even above other tasks or responsibilities. Let’s make sure that we all prioritize safety as part of our daily routine and make concerted effort to ensure a safe and secure environment as one team.
 The next point I want to emphasize is compliance. It is important that we always do the right thing, since we operate in an environment where there are rules and regulations. It is your duty to comply with laws, regulations, our Code of Conduct and our internal policies. Losing trust can be incredibly challenging to recover from. So, let’s work together to ensure compliance is embedded into our daily operations and workplace culture, prioritizing it as we do safety. Please do a work you can be proud of.
Respect and Bravery
Mutual respect is the foundation of teamwork. Let us show appreciation, value diversity, and care for both people and the planet. We are implementing great changes for growth. Please respect and challenge each other. Every day let's strive to be better than yesterday.
This is key to our growth. We need to sell our fantastic products and services globally, and work as one team in every corner of the world. By amplifying the strengths of our group, we can build trust and celebrate teamwork among everyone in the company all over the world.
We need to follow through with our words, while adhering to safety and compliance, respecting and challenging each other, and importantly improving ourselves and the company every day. Let’s work as one team globally and persistently implement the strategy, ‘Forging the future’.

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