AM1 is a high-performance electronic chemical solution used as an alternative RCA clean for batch and single wafer applications. It has the capability to remove both particles and metal impurities. Furthermore, it has superior performance for metal gate cleaning because it does not corrode silicon.

  • Single wafer cleaning (realize superior surface cleanliness in a short time)
  • Metal gate cleaning (no corrosion of tungsten or silicon)




AM1 is a high-performance alternative RCA cleaning solution applicable to both batch and single wafer cleaning.  It substantially improves metal and particle removal characteristics.  In addition, it can be applied in damage-sensitive metal gate processes.

AM1 is an electronic chemical solution featuring innovative improvement in the removal of particles from the wafer surface, no attack of silicon, and metal impurity removal capability.  In other words, two steps of the RCA clean batch process --- particle removal and metal impurity removal --- can be performed at the same time.  As a result, the cleaning process can be simplified.

  • For single wafer processing, superior surface cleanliness is achieved in a short time.
  • In metal gate cleaning, corrosion of tungsten and silicon is prevented.



  • Alternative RCA cleaning solution
  • Metal gate clean solution

Inquiries Concerning Products

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Semiconductor Materials Dept.

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