METABLEN C, E, W and S series are core-shell rubber impact modifiers for compounding into thermoplastics. Depending on the desired properties you can select:
C and E series having butadiene-based rubber for excellent impact strength
W series having acrylic based rubber for excellent weatherability
S type having our unique silicone-acrylic hybrid rubber for overall superior impact strength and weatherability

Grade List of METABLEN[Open in a new window]


Type C,E,W,S


Type Rubber elasticity
(at room temperature)
Rubber elasticity
(at low temperature)
C and E types (butadiene rubber) X
W type (acrylic rubber)

S type (silicone-acrylic composite rubber)

Grade and Properties


Flowchart for your fitting product selection


Inquiries Concerning Products

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
A&FC Dept. in Tokyo
  • TEL:[+81]3-6748-7532/ FAX [+81]3-6682-4794

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
A&FC Dept. in Osaka
  • TEL:[+81]6-7663-8104/FAX [+81]6-7663-8105

  • China
    Mitsubishi Chemical (China) Co., Ltd.
    TEL 86-21-54076161
  • Hong Kong
    Mitsubishi Chemical Hong Kong Limited
    TEL 852-2368-0121
  • US
    Mitsubishi Chemical America Inc.
    TEL 1-281-546-6696
  • Germany
    Mitsubishi Chemical Europe GmbH
    TEL 49-211-520-54-511

View the products of Additives / A&FC Dept. , Mitsubishi Chemical[Open in a new window]