
Propylene is produced from naphtha cracking and is used as a basic petrochemical raw material for synthetic resins, etc.
CAS No 115-07-1
HSCode 2901.22
Japan, List of Existing Chemical Substances No. 2-13




Propylene is mainly produced by naphtha cracking. It is used to make synthetic resins such as polypropylene. It is also used to make a large variety of other chemicals.

Common Names Propylene, 1-propene, propene, methylethylene, methylethene
CAS No 115-07-1
HSCode 2901.22
Japan, List of Existing Chemical Substances No 2-13
Formula C3H6
Molecular Weight 42
Appearance Clear, colorless gas
Melting Point(℃) -185
Boiling Point(℃) -48
Flash Point(℃) -108
Autoignition Temperature (℃) 460~497
Flammability Range(%) 2~11.1



Raw material for plastics, plasticizers, and solvents

Inquiries Concerning Products

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Olefins & Aromatics Dept.

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