Biaxially oriented polystyrene sheets were first commercialized in Japan. Polystyrene tends to crack during the thinning process. As such, biaxially oriented processing is used for this material to give it practical strength. This also gives the material excellent transparency and thermoformability. This material is used for many food packaging applications.

  • *Santoclear is a registered trademark of Solutia Inc. and used here under license.




SANTOCLEAR General Properties

Item Property
Transparency Colorless, transparent, and provides gloss to enhance the perceived value of the content.
Rigidity Due to the excellent elasticity of this material, containers retain sufficient rigidity even after thinning.
Lightweight and cost-effective A low specific gravity allows further weight reduction and improves cost-effectiveness.
Heat resistance Material has a practical heat resistance of 80°C.
Cold resistance This material can be used in low-temperature environments as low temperatures have little affect on drop impact resistance.
Dimensional stability Material has excellent dimensional stability due to minimal molding shrinkage and moisture absorption.
Environmental friendliness Material does not contain halogen elements and so does not release toxic gases such as dioxin when burned.

SANTOCLEAR Basic Properties

Property Numerical value Unit Test method
Flexural strength 62 MPa Compliant with JIS K7127 and ISO 527-3
Elongation at break 4 % Compliant with JIS K7127 and ISO 527-3
Tensile elasticity 2.6 GPa Compliant with JIS K7127 and ISO 527-3
Impact strength
(Fracture energy by the dart method)
23°C 1.1 J/mm (250µm) Compliant with JIS K 7124-2 and ISO 7765-2
-30°C 1.9 J/mm (250µm) Compliant with JIS K 7124-2 and ISO 7765-2
  • *The data described above represents the specified values in our company and does not represent guaranteed values.

    As terpene oils containing citrus peel and MCT (medium-chain triglyceride) oils are vulnerable to erosion, individual verification of oil resistance must be determined with molding fill testing.



Applicable Industries and Features per Product Type

Name of product Product type Typical application Property
(transparent and high anti-fogging)
Sushi container lids
, sashimi container lids
, bento container lids
, deli container lids
, food packs
, agricultural product containers
, and trays
Extremely minor irregularity in water droplets that adhere in high-temperature and low-temperature environments results in exceptional visibility of the contents.
Trays, etc. This product type has improved impact resistance.
This material is durable and flexible even after thinning and has excellent impact resistance in low-temperature environments.
Volume reduction processing can be performed when discarding the product.

Lineup / Specifications


Product Specifications

Name of product Product type Product Specifications
Thickness (mm) Core diameter in inches
(transparent and high anti-fogging)
3-inch paper core
4-inch metal core
Contact us if you have an inquiry.

Inquiries Concerning Products

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Packaging・Barrier Films Dept.

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