
Normalbuthylaldehyde is a 4-carbon aldehyde species. It is used as a raw material to make 2-ethyl hexanol, n-butanol, trimethylolpropane, and polyvinyl buthylal.
Japan, Chemical Substances Control Law: METI-No. 2-494
Japan, Industrial Safety and Health Law: No. 2-494




  1. 1.normal-Buthylaldehyde (NBD) is a 4-carbon aldehyde species.
  2. 2.normal-Buthylaldehyde is soluble in almost all organic solvents.

Our n-buthylaldehyde has very low-level impurities and may be used as a raw material for a wide veriety of chemicals.

Common Names normal-Buthylaldehyde, n-Buthylaldehyde, Buthylalde
Structure n-Buthylaldehyde
CAS No. 123‐72‐8
Appearance Clear colorless liquid
Odor Aldehyde smell
Boiling Point (℃) 74.8
Formula CH3CH2CH2CHO
Molecular Weight 72.11



n-Buthylaldehyde is used as a raw material to make 2-ethyl hexanol (2EH), n-butanol (NBA), trimethylolpropane (TMP), and polyvinyl buthylal.

Inquiries Concerning Products

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
C3 Chemicals Dept.(OXO)

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