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News Releases
News Releases
News Releases 2000
April 4, 2000
Revised Projection on Non-consolidated and Consolidated Income
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
This is to inform that we have revised the Non-consolidated income projection announced on October 29, 1999 as below #1 as well as the Consolidated income projection announced on November 24, 1999 as below #2;

1. Revised Non-consolidated income projection for the year ended March 2000
(from April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2000)
( in millions / %)
  Net Sales Recurring Profit Net Income/(Loss)
Previous Projection
(announced on Oct. 29, 1999)
815,000 8,000 (4,000)
Revised 830,000 8,000 (47,000)
Increase/(decrease) 15,000 0 (43,000)
% of increase/(decrease) 1.8 0.0 ---
Previous year actual
(Year ending March 1999)
868,529 2,469 (9,855)

2. Revised Consolidated income projection for the year ended March 2000
(from April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2000)
( in millions / %)
  Net Sales Recurring Profit Net Income/(Loss)
Previous Projection
(announced on Nov. 24, 1999)
1,600,000 30,000 6,000
Revised 1,650,000 35,000 (26,000)
Increase/(decrease) 50,000 5,000 (32,000)
% of increase/(decrease) 3.1 16.7 ---
Previous year actual
(Year ending March 1999)
1,531,635 (3,646) (27,516)

Reason for forecast amendment

(Non-consolidated income projection)
Increase of sales is mainly due to the sales price increase in the Petrochemical segment in accordance with raw materials price hike. Operating income forecast is 22 billion, up by 1 billion from previous forecast, based on upward income of Petrochemical as well as increased production of Opt-communication semi-conductor laser, etc. Since Other Expenses will exceed previous forecast, increase of Operating Income will be offset and Recurring Profit is expected to stay at the same level of previous 8,000 million projection.
As it is planed to record 91 billion losses in the line of Extraordinary Loss/Profit in contrast with the previous 17 billion, Net Loss is expected to be (47 million). We plan to continue 2 per share dividend because most of Extraordinary Losses will serve for future years by increasing the profit level.

(List of 91 billion Extraordinary Loss/Profit of Non-consolidated basis)
  1. Full amortization of unrecognized prior service cost: 32 billion
    Balance of unrecognized prior service cost for qualified pension plan is to be charged as Extraordinary Loss, though our past practice was amortizing over mainly 7 years. If this loss is interpreted in relation with postemployment and postretirement benefits accounting which will be implemented from the fiscal year ended April 2000, the amount of 32 billion is equivalent to the balance of unrecognized transition obligation of employees working with Mitsubishi Chemical (i.e., employees excluding ones on secondment) after deducting the planed contribution of capital stocks during the year ending March 2001 to employee pension fund. While there expects no amortization expense of unrecognized transition obligations for employees excluding ones in secondment, expenses for postemployment and postretirement benefits for employees on secondment will be principally absorbed by the companies which those people are with. We, therefore, see little impact on non-consolidated basis even under the newly implemented accounting policy from the fiscal year ending March 2001.

  2. Special severance expenses: 20 billion
    We plan to record 20 billion expenses under early retirement plan effective only during the current fiscal year. The amount is increased from previous 12 billion because the number of people retired under the plan during the year is increased from previously projected 500 to newly counted 830. We project, in the subsequent years, the reduction of human resource cost of 11 billion per annum on consolidated basis due to this headcount reduction.

  3. Valuation losses on investment securities, etc.: 22 billion
    We are to record 22 billion valuation losses on investment securities such as Emoto Industries, Nihon Asahan Aluminum and so on as well as on loans to subsidiary (Kitakyushu Prince Hotel). We have applied the method defined under the newly implemented accounting over financial products effective from the year ending March 2001. 15 billion out of 22 billion has already been recorded in consolidated financials, and therefore is eliminated from there for the current year ended March 2000.

  4. Others: 17 billion
    We plan to discontinue the hard disk operation in Mizushima, Japan and to integrate the hard disk operation only into Singapore, recording 7 billion loss for write-down of plant, property and equipment and such. We are also recording 9 billion losses for disposals of affiliates and tangible fixed assets. Write-down of marketable securities will be 3.4 billion. On the other hand, Extraordinary Profit will be 2.8 billion including gains on sales of investment securities.
(Consolidated income projection)
Sales increase is mainly due to the expansion of the number of fully consolidated subsidiaries. Operating Income and Recurring Profit are projected to be 64 billion and 35 billion, increasing by 8 billion and 5 billion from previous forecast respectively.
Operating Income by Segment
(Unit: in billions)
  New projection Previous forecast Increase/(decrease)
Petrochemicals 27 23 4
Carbon and Agrichemicals 10 10 0
Functional Products 37 33 4
...Information and Electronics 6 5 1
...Pharmaceutical 4 3 1
...Specialty Chemicals 9 9 0
Functional Materials 11 10 1
...Service 7 6 1
Corporate (10) (10) 0
Total 64 56 8

These revisions are due to capitalization of raw materials cost increase into inventory in the segment of Petrochemicals as well as due to cost reduction or sales increase in Functional Products segment. Even though we project those increase in profit, we plan to record 83 billion losses in the line of Extraordinary Loss/Profit and Net Loss is expected to be (26 billion). Main portion of Extraordinary Loss is from non-consolidated basis while remaining losses are due to special severance expenses and losses on disposals of fixed assets incurred at consolidated subsidiaries.

(Additional notes)
As to consolidated postemployment and postretirement benefits liabilities;
In relation with postemployment and postretirement benefits accounting which will be implemented from the fiscal year ending March 2001, the balance of unrecognized transition obligation is projected to be 135 billion. Deducting currently recording 32 billion extraordinary loss and further deducting the planed 30 billion contribution of capital stocks on hand during the year ending March, 2001 to employee pension fund, the balance of unrecognized transition obligation will eventually be 73 billion. Because the amount is reduced from original forecast, we will change the amortization period from over 7 years to over 5 years. (Some subsidiaries will amortize over different years.) Consequently, net periodic postretirement benefit cost is projected to be 32 billion under the new accounting policy, increasing by 9 billion from current postretirement cost recognition. This 9 billion is in contrast to previously projected 12 reducing by 3 billion.
We plan to record 13 billion amortization expense of unrecognized transition obligation in the line of Extraordinary Loss.

For further information, please contact
Public Relations Dept.,
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Tel: [+81] 3-3283-6274

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